Botox/Dysport in Orlando Fl

Botox and Dysport are neuromodulators commonly used for reducing wrinkles and fine lines. They work by temporarily blocking the signals from nerves to the muscles, which helps relax the muscles and softens wrinkles.
These wrinkle relaxers are typically recommended for individuals who are bothered by the appearance of wrinkles or fine lines on their faces. They are most commonly used to treat wrinkles around the eyes (crow’s feet), forehead lines, and frown lines between the eyebrows.
Patients usually start to see results within a few days after treatment, with full results typically visible within 10-14 days. The effects of these neuromodulators usually last for about 3-4 months, after which time the treatment will need to be repeated.

Benefits of Botox / Dysport Include

  • Reduces the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines
  • Lasts 3-4 months, on average
  • Enhances facial features
  • Non-surgical procedure
  • Minimal recovery time
  • Little to no discomfort
  • Quick procedure
  • Minimal side effects
  • Affordable
  • Can prevent the development of new wrinkles

Treatment Areas

Forehead wrinkles

Botox and Dysport can be used to reduce wrinkles in the forehead and between the brows, giving patients a more youthful appearance.

Crow’s feet

The use of Botox and Dysport can also reduce the appearance of crow’s feet around the eyes.

Frown lines

These injectables can also reduce the appearance of frown lines between the brows.

Neck bands

Botox and Dysport can be used to reduce the appearance of neck bands caused by aging.


Botox and Dysport can be used to reduce excessive sweating in the armpits, hands, and feet.

Migraine headaches

These injectables can be used to reduce the frequency and intensity of severe or migraine headaches.

Jaw slimming

Botox and Dysport can be used to help reduce the size of the masseter muscle in the jaw, creating a more slender appearance.

Lip enhancement

These injectable neurotoxins can be used to give the lips a more defined shape and fuller appearance.


Generally, Botox and Dysport are used on people aged between 18 and 65 who are looking to reduce the appearance of their wrinkles and fine lines.

Results are usually seen within a couple of days after the procedure, with final results showing in about 10-14 days.

Results of Botox and Dysport typically last between 3 to 4 months. Results may vary, depending on the patient.

There is little to no downtime required after treatment, so you can return to your normal activities immediately. The side effects are generally minor and temporary, such as soreness or bruising at the injection site.


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