Weight Loss Orlando, FL

Achieve safe and effective weight loss at Healthy Glow Medical in Orlando, FL. Our advanced weight loss program combines injectable treatments to help you say goodbye to stubborn pounds and hello to a radiant, healthier you! Results vary, but with a healthy lifestyle and ongoing maintenance, you can experience lasting benefits. Noticeable progress can often be seen within a few weeks, with continued improvement over time.

Take the first step towards a healthier you. Book a consultation for our weight loss program at Healthy Glow Medical in Orlando, FL, today and unlock a new chapter of wellness and confidence.

Lipo-Mino Injections

Lipo-Mino injections refer to a combination therapy involving lipotropic compounds and amino acids. Lipotropic compounds are substances that aid in the breakdown and metabolism of fat in the body, while amino acids are protein building blocks and play crucial roles in various physiological processes. When combined, these injections are believed to promote weight loss and enhance overall body composition.


Lipo-Mino injections typically contain a combination of lipotropic agents such as methionine, inositol, choline, and vitamin B12, along with essential amino acids like L-carnitine. These substances are thought to support the body’s natural fat-burning processes, increase energy levels, and improve liver function.


The injections are usually administered intramuscularly or subcutaneously by a healthcare professional. They are often utilized as part of a comprehensive weight loss program that includes dietary changes, exercise, and lifestyle modifications. However, it’s important to note that the efficacy and safety of Lipo-Mino injections may vary, and individual results may differ.

Lipo-Mino injections refer to a combination therapy involving lipotropic compounds and amino acids. Lipotropic compounds are substances that aid in the breakdown and metabolism of fat in the body, while amino acids are protein building blocks and play crucial roles in various physiological processes. When combined, these injections are believed to promote weight loss and enhance overall body composition.

Lipo-Mino injections typically contain a combination of lipotropic agents such as methionine, inositol, choline, and vitamin B12, along with essential amino acids like L-carnitine. These substances are thought to support the body’s natural fat-burning processes, increase energy levels, and improve liver function.

The injections are usually administered intramuscularly or subcutaneously by a healthcare professional. They are often utilized as part of a comprehensive weight loss program that includes dietary changes, exercise, and lifestyle modifications. However, it’s important to note that the efficacy and safety of Lipo-Mino injections may vary, and individual results may differ.


What’s included:

  • Prescription for GLP-1 OR GIP/GLP-1 medication (Semaglutide or Tirzepatide).
  • Medication shipped to your home.
  • Blood work review as needed.
  • Insulin syringes provided for at-home injections.
  • Personalized diet and exercise recommendations with access to a remote care platform that allows you to engage with your provider.
  • Once a month check in appointment to monitor weight and BMI for results tracking.
  • Individual counseling & support with our nurse practitioner throughout your membership every 4 weeks as needed.
  • Ongoing monitoring and medication titrations to meet your wellness goals.

The weight loss injection is a medication belonging to the class GLP-1 receptor agonists (glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonists). This drug, commonly referred to as Semaglutide, was originally developed for the treatment of type 2 diabetes; it is now being used for weight loss purposes.

GLP-1 injections work by mimicking the effects of the gut hormone GLP-1 in the body. GLP-1 helps regulate blood sugar levels, reduces appetite, increases feelings of fullness, and slows down digestion.

This GLP-1 analogue, when used alongside lifestyle changes like a healthy diet and exercise, has been demonstrated in studies to result in substantial weight loss for individuals with obesity. It is typically administered through once-weekly subcutaneous injections. 

Glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) agonists are indicated for people with a body mass index (BMI) greater than 30 or for adults with a BMI greater than 27, who also have weight-related medical problems (e.g. hypertension).

The weight loss injection is a medication belonging to the class GLP-1 receptor agonists (glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonists). The drug was originally developed for the treatment of type 2 diabetes; it is now being used for weight loss purposes.

GPL-1 injections work by mimicking the effects of the gut hormone GLP-1 in the body. GLP-1 helps regulate blood sugar levels, reduces appetite, increases feelings of fullness, and slows down digestion.

This GLP-1 analogue, when used alongside lifestyle changes like a healthy diet and exercise, has been demonstrated in studies to result in substantial weight loss for individuals with obesity. It is typically administered through once-weekly subcutaneous injections. 

Glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) agonists are indicated for people with a body mass index (BMI) greater than 30 or for adults with a BMI greater than 27, who also have weight-related medical problems (e.g. hypertension).

Semaglutide is a medication belonging to the class GLP-1 receptor agonists (glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonists). The drug was originally developed for the treatment of type 2 diabetes; it is now being used for weight loss purposes.

When used for weight loss, Semaglutide is typically administered in higher doses than those used for diabetes management. It works by mimicking the effects of the hormone GLP-1 in the body. GLP-1 helps regulate blood sugar levels, reduces appetite, increases feelings of fullness, and slows down digestion.

Semaglutide, when used alongside lifestyle changes like a healthy diet and exercise, has been demonstrated in studies to result in substantial weight loss for individuals with obesity. It is typically administered through once-weekly subcutaneous injections.


At Healthy Glow Medical, our comprehensive weight loss program combines injectable treatments, personalized guidance, and ongoing support to help you achieve safe and effective results.

Yes, our weight loss program is designed and supervised by experienced professionals to ensure your safety and well-being.

GLP1 injections are once a week at home. Your provider will teach you how to self-inject. Patients are scheduled to come in monthly for follow ups to monitor their progress.

Following a healthy diet and regular exercise is encouraged. This weight loss medication is intended only to be used temporarily to aid in weight loss, it’s not a substitute for a healthy lifestyle and diet.


Lipo-Mino and GLP-1 injections are generally well-tolerated, but some individuals may experience mild side effects such as nausea or injection site reactions. Our team will monitor your progress and address any concerns.

The duration and amount of weight loss on Lipo-Mino injections or GLP-1 varies for each individual. Results depend on factors such as metabolism, underlying medical conditions, starting weight, adherence to the program, and overall lifestyle.


At Healthy Glow Medical, our comprehensive weight loss program combines injectable treatments, personalized guidance, and ongoing support to help you achieve safe and effective results.

Yes, our weight loss program is designed and supervised by experienced professionals to ensure your safety and well-being.

The frequency of treatments will be determined based on your individual needs and goals. Our Healthy Glow team will create a customized plan for you.

While following a healthy diet with regular exercise is encouraged, our weight loss program is designed to help you achieve results without drastic lifestyle changes.


Lipo-Mino Injections and Semaglutide are generally well-tolerated, but some individuals may experience mild side effects such as nausea or injection site reactions. Our team will monitor your progress and address any concerns.


The duration of weight loss on Lipo-Mino injections or Semaglutide varies for each individual. Results depend on factors such as metabolism, starting weight, adherence to the program, and overall lifestyle.



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